Det overraskende formål med vrede LIVKOM Weekendkursus (Pris: 2.350 DKK) Vil du gerne lære at transformere din vrede til en vejviser for forandring? At se vreden som en passion omkring noget der rører os dybt. Vrede som en positiv forandringskraft. Der er grund til vrede. Til indignation og frustration. Vrede der får sit…
Girafsprog og konflikthåndtering i praksis Grundkurset i Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation har som mål at bidrage til deltagernes viden om, hvordan de kan forandre fastlåste konflikter ved at forandre sproget. Der gives både teori og træning i at kommunikere på måder, der afspænder konflikter og beriger livet for en selv og for andre. Lær at finde større…
Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 2 5 evenings of 2 ½ hours (including breaks) online on Zoom. Receiving the anger of other people as a gift is possible. This course is a continuation of Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger. Part 1. After getting to…
NVC in the Family From painful disconnection to sweet connection. 5 evenings of 2 ½ hours (including breaks) online on Zoom. “Words are windows or they’re walls” Marshall Rosenberg Are you struggling with conflicts at your home and don’t know how to deal with them? Would you like to know how to talk about your own boundaries…
Harvest the fruit of your own and other’s anger 5 evenings of 2 ½ hours (including breaks) online on Zoom. The Surprising Purpose of Anger Would you like to learn how to transform your anger into a guide for change? To see the anger as passion about something that touches us deeply. Anger…